It has been so nice to have a summer with so much rain. The yard is green, the lake is up. It is so nice compared to those summers with crunchy grass and no lake ramps, because the water is too low. Alex loves the rain as well. One morning we sat on the back deck (under the patio cover) and watched all the lightning and listened to the thunder as a huge morning thunderstorm came in. She liked it and jumped in my lap with every big bang of thunder. She would say "Lowwwd". I tried to teach her thunder,but she stuck with "lowwd. I told her that was Dios (God) and she shouted "Mas, Dios! Mas, Dios!" (More, God! More, God) It was priceless. After He blessed us with another big bang, we shouted, "Bravo, Dios!" It was such a great morning.
Another afternoon as rain moved in, she decided to run out and play with the boys in it...clothes and all. (Don't worry, this was just a lightning or thunder.) She splashed and liked the feel of the water on her face. Yet another awesome moment for the Trosper family. The boys even paused their water gun fight to lay in the big puddle in our driveway with her.
It is so fun to watch all these occurances in her. I wish I had a special camera to look into her mind, but watching her face will suffice and I think her smiles says a good bit!
I love the mas dios...mas dios! That is precious! I can just picture you all fitting and listening to the thunder! God has blessed her immensely when you listened to that still small voice and welcomed her to your family!