YEAH!! Today we signed the Adoption Resolution at MIMDES. Alexandra is officially ours. Well, after tomorrow passes by. Tomorrow is what is referred to as the Day of Silence, where anyone can protest the adoption. It is just a formality and any protest would have to go through the judge and lawyer. The only thing Layne is worried about is keeping all 4 kids silent all day!
After we signed the Resloution, we ate lunch at a KFC downtown. It actually tasted exactly like in the States. We all enjoyed! Our driver ate with us again....he had never had ketsup, the boys couldn't imagine! He didn't even like it. He said it was too sweet which we thought was too funny as everything here is extra sweet!
We had to take a copy of the Resolution to the judge in the district where Alexandra was abandoned, Huaycon, so after lunch we headed there. It was on the other side of Lima and is the district Alex lived in the first 6 months of her life before she was abandoned at the police station there in Huaycon. It is a very poor part of Lima. It made us realize we really don't understand what poverty can look like. The houses were mostly shacks and there was garbage all over. We got to see and take pics of the police station she was taken to as well as the park where it was first reported she was found in. (Later they found out it was actually the mom who brought her into the police station and she hadn't been found at a park bench after all.) It was very sobering, but we are so glad we went. We took a few moments in the park to pray over Alexandra that none of that past would go into her new future with this new beginning.
We spent the evening getting her Visa pics made and eating a quick bite here in Miraflores. It seems like Paradise after what we saw today. Alexandra is showing love in new ways each day and we are recognizing it. Becca, Drake and Luke are being amazing troopers, as they are having to put up with her speaking to them in Spanish and being a typical 4 year old (more like a 2 1/2 - 3yr old) on top of living in a tiny apartment far away from home. We all headed to bed early tonight, so we could have a fresh start tomorrow.
We are going to head back into the Main District of Lima tomorrow to see the Square and a nightly fountain light display as well as do a little more shopping at the Market. We covet your prayers and ask that you lift up all 4 of the kids... that God would give them a supernatural love for each other and an extra measure of mercy during these next couple of weeks. Until tomorrow! Ciao!
Congrats, Congrats. Wow, that must be such a relief. So is everything final now or do you have to go through a process with the US government, too. I am praying for all of you. What an experience.