Friday, June 12, 2009

Peruvian Dance Show and Cuy!

Started the day with some paperwork. We got Alexandra's birth certificate and Peruvian passport in about 2 hours- amazing.

We waited until the boys' last night to go to a dinner show that featured authentic Peruvian dancers. It didn't start until 9:30pm, so we took long naps in the afternoon to be prepared for it. Apparently it is nothing for Peruvians to dance and party into the night. (We left at 1am and there was still approx 2 hours of dances left.) It was not a bar atmosphere, but a dinner show where everyone sat around tables set up around the dance floor. The dancers were very professional and absolutely beautiful. I don't think my pictures even did them justice. There was live music that they danced to and they came out in authentic Peruvian costumes from the area that the dance originated. (There are 3 different areas in Peru...the jungle, the mountains and the coast.)

Between their dances while they were changing costumes, the band would play more authentic Latin American music for everyone to come out and dance to. It took a little bit, but by the second round we were all out there dancing. Alexandra was a little hesitant, but once we were all out there she was ok. She loved twirling in her vestido (dress) and doing spins. We definitely looked like the gringos we are, without the ability to move like the Peruvians can. We didn't care and had a blast. We found out Luke is quite the dancer. Everytime, he was the first out on the floor to show off his moves.

As an added bonus, the theatre also had food and drink so we got to try Cuy. There was much consternation since we had a guinea pig, Buddy, for six years and he was an awesome pet. When the plate of Cuy came out, we realized why Cuy hasn't caught on in other parts of the world. The meat to effort ratio is very low, much like crawfish. I think it would take six Cuy to fill me up but I would spend more energy getting the meat off the carcass than I would gain by eating the Cuys. The other dish of chicken, beef, pork, and potatos was awesome and much more filling.


  1. I love Alexandra's smile in the first picture. That is a great family picture. Glad to see you enjoying the time. Sorry the boys have to leave. Thanks for the updates.

  2. What a fun fun time! So glad you got to enjoy the show! Your family will have beautiful memories of the time in Peru, and all of you will have a love for the wonderful culture of your daughter. We will be praying for you all as you separate.
