Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week of Tragedy and Celebration

As I reflect on this last week, I stand in awe of my God. I have watched a dear friend loose her husband tragically. I have watched a friend be reunited with her daughter that was missing for a month. I have celebrated my son's 12th birthday and am watching him turn into a young man. I have celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday, remembering how a year ago, we were just hearing about a possible referral. Life is so fast paced at times. Things are going good, it seems to fly by. Then something tragic comes...a loss of life, a loved one lost and everything seems to stop. But life doesn't stop, it keeps going. At times, very difficultly. I praise God that we don't have to do it alone. I heard a song tonight that reminded me my God never lets go.

No matter what we are walking through, He is there. He is hugging us in our victories and holding us in our pain. Even when we don't "feel" it, He is so faithful. Even when we are not faithful, He is. I am reminded that nothing comes as a surprise to Him. On our adoption journey there were many times I felt forgotten or felt like I was being punished. As I listened to this song, I was reminded how during those times, He was working things out exactly according to His plan. His timing has been perfect. He never let go, even when I felt forgotten. He was growing my and my family's faith and trust in Him. My prayer for my friends and for you is that they and you feel his loving arms never letting you go! That is the love He has for His children. Can you call him Father?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh my!

A friend of mine posted something about the blog today and it made me realize it had been a REALLy long time since we have updated! Where do I start? I figured a good place would be with this weekend. What a blast we had celebrating Easter through the eyes of a 4 year old! Everything was so exciting and there were so many questions. We are still working on getting it across that the wise men were not the ones to discover Jesus wasn't in the tomb, but I think she is getting the general idea! We did attend an Easter Egg Hunt on base this year and had a great time. Unfortunately we missed the 3-5 year old hunt and made it in time for the 9-12 year old hunt. We figured she could run out to the edge and grab a couple of eggs and she would be happy. Little did we know there were "planted" workers along the side rolling out "new" eggs as these 9-12 year olds scooped them up as fast as they could. Before Alexandra knew what hit her, there was a mob coming at her to get to those eggs. As quickly as it swarmed in, it swarmed out, leaving Alexandra awestruck standing very still holding her basket up. She didn't seem too phased and quickly began digging in her eggs checking for candy. She is a chocolate girl and she just knew there would be some in there somewhere.

On Sunday, we went to church and she had a wonderful time and said she felt beautiful. A wonderful neighbor of mine had an adorable Easter dress in her yard sale that was just perfect for Alex. She really did look like a doll and felt like one too. While this family knows that Easter is about so much more than eggs and getting dressed up, it was so nice to see her enjoying it all and making wonderful memories as a family! We did the Resurection Eggs with her Sunday afternoon (if you have never seen these, you HAVE to have a set...go to I wish I could remember all the comments she made about each piece, but it was so neat to see someone take it all in as if for the first time. I know we are planting seeds and watering seeds that were already planted and we can't wait to see God's plan for her wonderful life unfold. We pray you had a blessed Easter and know Jesus as your Resurected Redeemer!

One more Easter Memory!

You never know what a day in the Trosper house is going to bring. After a delightful Easter Day, my wonderful husband finds a lizard stuck between the window and the screen. Of course, he saves it and gives it to Luke our insect loving, habitat making son, who quickly makes an entire "home" for this poor lizard in his critter cage. After about an hour (and my request stemming from my fear that this thing is going to die in the Critter Cage and be forgotten about) the kids decide to let it go. Alexandra is beside herself and wants to keep recatching it and "holding" it. The poor thing (the lizard) is tramautized I am sure as he isn't scurrying away too quickly. The next thing I know, the kids are yelling..."Grab the camera, Alex has the lizard on her face!). I am getting hot thinking the kids are tricking her and scarring her for life, until I realize SHE put the lizard on her face and thought it tickled as it ran up. YUCK! The kids (ok, all of us) were laughing so hard that we about all passed out, when the lizard climbed up onto her head and she freaked out. So, she didn't mind it close to her mouth and eyes, but freaked when it was on her head. Luckily, we got a quick shot. I am sure these will be some that we pull out for her fiance one day! No deep message with this story, just a good laugh! Gotta love our Alex!