Friday, May 29, 2009

Alexandra is HOME!!!

Today has probably been the most emotional day yet! We went this morning to the orphanage and signed custody papers that put Alexandra officially in our custody. After we changed her into her new clothes, all the way down to panties and socks, she said goodbye to her friends and the sisters that run the orphanage and we were off. She seemed to understand and it wasn't too emotional for her. Praise God since she had only been there a month, I believe it made it much easier! Even though we were so excited, it was hard watching all the kids that weren't leaving. There are some very sweet ones there that just soak up the love and attention! It is a blessing that those at this orphange are taken such good care of. They have a very clean home, with good food and toys and caregivers. They all seem very happy and laugh and smile a lot! Finally walking out of the gate as a family of 6, just seemed like such a milestone in our lives. It is a new chapter for our family and I am just so excited for all of us. To see God's promise fulfilled is just...well, I just can't put it into words! He is so good!

Alexandra seemed very nervous as we went to the government office to sign the legal paperwork after we left the orphanage. She seemed to get more comfortable as time went on there and she loved coming home to la casita. We stopped on the way home and got roasted chickens with fries and salad and ate lunch in la casita! She continues to amaze us with what a great eater she is!

Becca has already painted her nails and Alexandra has discovered all her toys. She seems a bit hyper today, but that is only to be expected. If only I could speak better spanish to communicate better.

Before Cami our translator/friend left Alexandra showed here where she was sleeping tonight, where her siblings were sleeping tonight and said good bye. She even went and opened the door for Cami. It was so good to see her so comfortable. We'll see if it lasts through the night.

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