Saturday, May 30, 2009

Great Night!

After about 10 minutes of "crying" Alexandra fell asleep in her bed wrapped in my arms. I say "crying", but it was more like a faint attempt at wimpering. ( I have noticed she does this when she wants to be held. My prayer is she will realize she doesn't have to for us to scoop her up and hug her!) I know it was her way of showing she was scared, but she seemed quickly consoled and slept great. She only woke up once and saw me and snuggled up and fell back asleep. It was more than we could have asked for!

We were prepared (on much advice) for her to be very upset all night and it to be a very long night! What can I say? God continues to amaze us! As we got up this morning, she wanted to make sure everyone was here. She is already playing with the boys (its 7am) and has had a heapin helpin of Yogurt!

We will lay low this morning then venture out this afternoon for a bit and do some sightseeing!
It is hard to believe we have been here a week already!


  1. I am glad she seems to be doing well with you guys.
    When you guys get back in the states, you are going to have to keep the blog going when you can. I am enjoying reading all this.
    Looking forward to some more. :)

  2. That is wonderful. It is always better when everyone gets sleep. How are the kids doing with her?
