Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hidden Treasure!

Sorry I have no pics to go with this post, but I had to share what God revealed to me tonight. As I have been going through the mound of paperwork I came home with from Peru, I came across a document that I hadn't seen before. It is in Spanish and so looked like many others, but a date caught my eye. March 10, 2006. As I read and used Babel Fish to translate I realized this was the date Alexandra had been put at New Life. I had been trying to find that out and see how close it was to when God called us to this adoption (see the post from May "The Call to Adopt"). As I pulled out my past journal and looked up the date, we were sitting in church that Sunday, I realized it was the Sunday after Alex was placed at New Life. Just 2 days later! So chances are we didn't see her picture that morning, but God knew she was there and that she was our daughter and we were to go get her!

Wow, is God ever in the details. He never had to show me that date, but it was like a gift from Him, a hidden treasure, one that has so blessed us tonight! I praise Him that He had me write the date down 3 years ago. I am sure at the time I thought I would never forget that exact Sunday, but 3 years later, I knew it was a Sunday in March and that was all. How many times, have I heard something, or pondered something and haven't written it down? What treasures have I missed? You can bet I am going to have plenty of notebooks on hand to journal in!

God is an amazing God! I pray you find some hidden treasure of your own from Him! It will never disappoint!


  1. What amazing confirmation to how big God is! Thanks for sharing this, Deb!

  2. Debbi,
    You told me this story over the telephone, but I just had to read it too. I love how good our God is to us. You're right. He didn't have to show you that date in the paperwork, but He did.

    Because He loves you so much!

    How great is our God!
